Sep 29, 2009

Just nature....

I have fallen in love with fall this year..... I especially feel it when walking through the Swiss forests, so magical... Beautiful.... Amazing in the way that it makes me wanna believe in fairytales!

Something that I have learned to love about Switzerland is that when a certain vegetable or fruit is in season, that's what you see e v e r y w h e r e !
They throw festivals for it, display it in the stores, and sell it in local village street-markets.
Right now, no one here can have possibly missed that it's pumpkin season ;))

Linda - Lost in Switzerland loving the crisp, cooler air and the colours that are starting to emerge and feeling inspired by it all.....aaahh

1 comment:

  1. What lovely photographs, thank you!! The colours are coming along in Maine, I'm excited to start photographing them soon.


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