Oct 1, 2012

The waiting....the endless waiting...

Patience.....probably one of the personal characteristics that would be the most useful right now and probably one of the ones I possess the least.... I am an absolutely USELESS "waiter" and yet, this is all I can do right now. So that's what I do......I wait.....and while I wait I try to use these last few days/weeks to fix our home, watch movies and episodes of TV series that I love, get plenty of sleep, having coffee's in the sofa while catching up on the latest blog posts, going for, (these days quite short), walks, doing some web shopping and listen to lots of music. That's all.....not much more and not much less. I try to be grateful that for probably the first time in my life, I am able to just rest and not do much, but it's so much harder than it sounds. I am desperately missing the running and training and can't wait to get started again.... So as you can imagine, no major news to share here, but will try to share some things ;))

This weekend, we went to one of our favorite interior shops and bought ourself enough stuff to make our living room look practically brand new! 2 new small coffee tables to replace the one we have, a new carpet, new pillows and a new blanket + some rearranging of our current decorations! Am really happy with the outcome, lots of additional space freed up and the sepia toned photo canvas print, hanging over the sofa, now fits in better.....but as one of the two small tables were out of stock, I will share photos once we pick it up later this week, but further down you'll see a "sneak-peek" ;))! 

Also placed an order for some basic nursing wear at Boobdesign.com and now waiting eagerly for my delivery!

I am obsessing over eating plenty of vitamins and make at least 2 fresh fruit and berry smoothies per day....
Got these beautiful roses from Chris on Friday.....
My morning routine....

My view right now....... Here you'll also see one of the new tables and the new carpet.
In my Spotify right now, you'll probably find these songs as my most frequently played (click on the song titles below to listen on YouTube):

What are you up to??


  1. Jag saknar min träning såååå mycket jag med och jag längtar faktiskt till att "få tillbaka" min kropp även om det såklart är jättemysigt att känna bebis där inne. Men jag drömmer om att få träna och svettas igen, det var så sjuuuuuukt längesen! Snart så ;) KRAM

    1. ....mysigt....visst, men det maste ju vara mycket mysigare nar vara bebisar ar HAR? Eller? Nej, jag tycker att graviditet ar nagot nodvandigt for att na malet, men inte ar det sa underbart som sa manga sa till mig. Foredrar att vara i god form... Langtar sjukt mycket efter att bli mamma, men graviditeten i sig har varit ok, men inte alls battre an att inte vara gravid ;))


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