Just another manic Monday? No actually quite a calm day compared to the previous 9 months.
Presenting - My day in detail (as much as I'm willing to reveal that is ;)):
07:00 The alarm clock rings but I'm in no shape to get out of bed. All I can think is SNOOOOZE and fall back asleep.....like a stone....shameless.
08:00 The alarm clock rings again, same scenario, but this time I only snooze 20 minutes....still shameless.
08:20 Jump into the shower
08:30 Getting dressed and ready for work. The result on the left hand side.
09:10 Quick breakfast... I have a piece of Butterzopf with fig jam and a glass of fresh orange juice.
09:45 Arriving ridiculously late (and feeling even more ridiculously tired) at work. I feel embarrassed, so I say "Good afternoon".
09:50 Working on all the unread e-mails. Have 133 of them.
11:30 Putting up some ad's in the office to sell my treadmill (interested? Pls leave a comment ;)) and making a call to set-up a tyre-change appointment.
11:46 Discussing lunch plans with my collegues and we decide to go out for lunch to get some fresh air and change of environment.
12:00 Going out for lunch. We decided on Santa Lucia, a favourite Italian restaurant close to our office, and below you can find some pictures of what I ate (I almost always choose this combo...).
It was delicious (but I could probably kill off a smaller army of Vampires with my breath after that garlic and chili spaghetti!).
13:10 Back at my desk......angry because my e-mail isn't working. I have plenty of new e-mails in my Blackberry, but I can't see them in my inbox. I have very little patience for things like this.
13:20 Giving up my desperate attempts to solve the problem myself (checking all the cables, connections etc) and head down to IT. They fix the issue and I feel like an an idiot as their solution was "Try a reboot" and it worked.........
14:30 Taking a break from my standard to-do list to take a mandatory web-based "course" on Information Security that ends with a test. I score 100%.
14:44 Am very tempted to visit the ice cream box we have here with all it's divine contents at our disposal......but don't.
15:55 Gave in to temptation and had a Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough!!

16:20 The meeting was MUCH shorter than normal, so am already back at my desk to type up some minutes....
16:30 Recieved some very good news that I had to double check if it's really accurate as if it is - it's WONDERFUL from a work perspective.
16:32 After staring into space for a couple of minutes in total shock of the good news (sorry can't share it in detail), I recieved proof that it really was true. If I was a dog, my tail would be wagging!!!
16:40 Trying to focus on my to-do list again, but must admit my mind is straying a bit.......and I realise I sometimes really struggle to keep a secret when the secret is good news!
17:30 Back on going through e-mails. I still have plenty.
18:15 All in all a good day. Am now down to 59 e-mails, but since we are all out of the office tomorrow, attending a kind of seminar and our customers are not, I know that will NOT be the case on Wednesday ;))
18:45 Arriving at the gym....realizing while changing that I forgot my training top at home. After quite some unpolished words and contemplation of going home instead, I realize that all though it doesn't please me, I could actually work out in the top I was wearing during the day and go for my exercise! After all.....the alternative was going there for nothing. As I was at the gym yesterday and will again go tomorrow, I decided to only do cardio today and spend 1 hour on the Cross-trainer while watching BBC World News. Did some stretching exercises and was off again.
20:25 Back home and jump straight into the shower. It was freakin' cold outside!!
20:40 Quick dinner of bread, yoghurt and coffee..... I had no energy to cook anything that didn't fit in a toaster or required a quick spread of butter.
20:45 Finish writing this post while waiting for Chris to come home, listening to the music of my blog and downloading the latest episode of Dexter (I am sooooo psyched to watch it!!).......am also feeling quite happy that this post is finally done. Hehe!
The rest of the evening will be spent surfing on our January trip to the Dominican Republic, relaxing and maybe, juuuuust maybe, watching Dexter ;))
Over and out.
Next time your IT system fails you watch this video before fighting gravitation, giving up the comfort of your office chair and heading to the help desk. ;)
ReplyDeletei have the same problem in the morning ;)
ReplyDeleteHere's the link to the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpmLrz_lSuE
ReplyDeletePersonal note: HTML Code only works in the preview mode and not on the blog. Not a problem that can be solved by turning it off and on again. ;)
yeah what a day...
ReplyDeleteDanny: Thanks for making us laugh like nutters!! Hahaha! Loved the clip!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous: As you are anonymous I can't really address this to you personally - but thanks for reading and commenting ;))
Hi, Linda. I am GG, Chris's friend Grace's sister. I like your blog and music you play. The moring scenario you have exactly like my everyday. I have to sneak in the office and stay late in the evening. I have a blog but it's in Chinese. stay warm... GG from Maryland, US
ReplyDeleteGG: Nice to "meet you"! Thanks so much! That makes me happy to hear =)
ReplyDeleteHe he mornings are not easy....
Too bad your blog is in chineese, but maybe it can be translated? Send me the link and I'll give it a go ;)
:)actually, if you move your mouse on my name "GG", then double click, you will see my blog. enjoy... GG
ReplyDeleteGG: Your blog seems very nice =) I had a look and tried my web-page translator, but the translations are just too funny ;) I guess Chineese is really one of the most difficult languages! Too bad.... I'll check in for photo updates instead! Hehe!