Sep 21, 2012

What's to come....

As I sit here, trying to glare into the horizon that is my future, I realize it is very hard to imagine what it will truly be like.....being a mom I mean. Something that I have so far only been able to vaguely picture is about to become a reality in my life. I am thrilled and impatient. I feel like I have butterflies in my belly and can't wait for all of this to enter the next stage....the Parenthood stage. 

I feel that we are about to embark upon the most important journey of our be responsible for another human being. I don't just mean keeping him/her alive, safe and comfortable......but more to teach him/her good values and empathy, to help build his/her self confidence, independence and ability to make choices and decisions in life without being too influenced by help him/her build character.....a know when to step in and when to step back......all of this objectively sorting out and using what are your good and healthy sides while ensuring your less good sides are not transferred. 

I have so many wishes and good intentions for this little life that is about to be born. We don't even know each other yet, but I am already head-over-heels in the point that when I feel him/her move, I can barely breathe out of the longing to hold him/her for the first time.

So here I home......waiting......the hospital bag is packed, the nursery is as ready as it can be, we've done our research, bought way more than the recommended necessities, the birth preparation course is done, I'm getting my rest, practicing relaxation techniques, I'm eating, drinking and moving as recommended.....and yet, there is no way to really prepare for what's to come.... I only know that I will love this little life unconditionally and hope that this love will guide me in my new role as a MOM.

Counting down days..........



  1. Linda I'm in tears! I can't believe how beautifully you managed to put it in words.. exactly how I feel, too <3

    1. I cry for everything right now 8o))))) Soon SOOOOOON it's time!!! Am so incredibly eager and impatient I barely know what to do with myself.....working would have helped, but just walking around here at home is making it all worse! I suppose you know that feeling..... Heheheee!! xo

  2. så sant vännen.
    Man har ingen som helst aning men ändå är det det största, bästa, vackraste redan innan.
    Bara vänta.. detta kommer verkligen ta dig med storm, få dig att skratta och gråta, springa och stå still.. allt på en och samma gång.
    den här kärleken går inte, hur man än försöker, att beskriva med ord.
    Kärleken till henne/honom du har där inne (jag tror honom btw.) men snart gumman.. snart får du känna den på riktigt!

    1. .....och jag dooooooor nastan av langtan!!! Kan inte tiden ga lite fortare?? =))))

  3. +Jag skrev dagbok till Sofia innan hon föddes (inte varje dag, men lite tankar då & då, allt från mina förväntningar till vad en liter mjölk kostade hösten 2010). Jag känner så väl igen det du skriver! Det är helt underbart den där sista tiden, men också galet jobbigt att gå och vänta. Jag läste hur mkt som helst, promenerade nästan varje dag till bibblan och bara plöjde böcker. :)

    Njut allt du kan! Fast ni hinner njuta massor sen också! :) KRAM!!

  4. Vilken smart grej!! Med dagboken alltsa..... Jag har en sadan graviditetsdagbok som jag fyller i, men den ar faktiskt gaska trakig. Formatet alltsa....hade nog varit battre att "freestylat" ;))
    Ja, nu ar det saaaaaa trakigt att bara vanta! Dessutom kanner jag mig oerhort otymplig, sa jag skuttar inte direkt ivag pa nagra storre aventyr an max 3 km's promenader.
    Forsoker njuta, men langtar liksom liiite for mycket efter nasta skede.


I read and treasure all your comments..... Thank you for taking the time! x