Jun 20, 2012

Hair Magic for dummies!!

My looooovely friend Therese introduced me to and also sent me this fantastic "hair donut" that magically turns your hair into a chic bun! Perfect way to get your hair out of the way this summer! ....and especially good for me since I normally have such dry ideas of what to do with my long and slippery hair! In other words, it is proven to even work for hair-styling dummies!
Highly recommended ;))

You'll only need this, your hair, a hair brush, two hairbands and some pins and you're all set!
This one comes from "Glitter" in Sweden.



  1. Hej Linda, tack för tipset! Har läst om dom tidigare men inte vetat var man kan köpa dom. Jag är också svensk och bor i Schaffhausen, vet du om det finns något svenskt midsommarfirande antingen här eller i Zurich? Det är min första midsommar som jag inte åker till Sverige och jag känner mig väldigt nostalgisk.. Mvh, Anna

    1. Hej Anna!! Vad lustigt! Jag flyttade ifran Schaffhausen i September forra aret hit till Romandie. Det ska finnas en svensk kulbb i Schaffhausen, men har aldrig besokt nagot av deras get-togethers. Vi var ett gang svenskar som brukade umgas och fira midsommar ihop....men nu har 3 av oss svenskar (sa halften) flyttat sa jag vet inte alls hur de gor i ar.
      Vart jobbar du nagonstans?

  2. I forgot about these. I think it's been SO long since I've had hair long enough to use, but these are GREAT and you look gorgeous! Love the photo!

    1. Merci Sada!! I am also a bit in love with this bud.....especially since my hair gets very heavy when it's all up, so it tends to fall down unless it's more or less cemented on my head =)))
      Am also thinking that it would be nice to use the leftover hair and braid it around the bun......but let's see!


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