My year ended, like always, with bubbles, pink to be precise and it definitely started with a new beginning = "My skiing career" ;) You see, I have been the Paradox, "the thing that cannot be", namely a Swede, living in Switzerland who has never ever tried downhill skiing.
How did it go? give you some background to what you are about to read, this was actually my second time in the mountains for "downhilling".
When I was around 19 years old, some "friends" of mine wanted to take me snowboarding for the first time. After 1-2 hours of practising, I could stand on the board and almost turn.... ALMOST. They then thought it was a fun joke to take me up the mountain with the lift (in which I fell and hurt myself quite bad) and dropped me off at a black slope, claiming it was for kids, where the only way down was...well......snowboarding. It was quite a traumatic experience and I had to throw myself several times on the way down to stop the board as I kept gaining speed, being unable to turn!! To this very day, I feel happy to have survived it as I literally thought I was going to die.
....well anyway, back to skiing....mainly in pictures.
1. All geared up! Feeling optimistic........and actually quite nervous.
2. Me and the other 5-10 year old kids are practising "Snow ploughing" in the little kids slope
3. Feeling a little bit like Rocky, ready to take on new adventures! Suggested we head to the next level, aka a real slope, I mean, how hard can it be??
4. Took the T-lift up......fell out of it and hurt my knee, after having skied over one of Chris's skis. That Rocky feeling changed into panic mode, the smug facial expression of mine was replaced with tears and my legs were shaking and felt like spaghetti....and let's just say it didn't feel any better when I came here........
5. This below view greets me (and I'm not talking about the lovely, snowy hills....just the steep way down), and the inevitable question pops into my mind: "What the "Fudge" does people like about this sport?!". Ploughing for 2 hours is haaaaard work, especially with those incredibly uncomfortable shoes, wearing plenty of clothes and sweating in them, while freezing in my face, feeling completely out of control, fearing for my life AND the life of others.....
7. All in all, it was a fantastic experience and I will surely go again, but one thing is for sure: Skiing for the first time at the age of 21, oh eerhhmm sorry I mean 31, is not entirely a piece of cake! Especially not when fear is involved... You could say I started out not entirely unlike Bridget Jones in one of my favourite scenes/clips:
8. ...but 2 x panic attacks and 1 x ridiculous lift-falls later, I was happy and a lot more confident and back to a more Rocky type of feeling!

Well done girl, I'm sure you're much better than you think you are ;) Looks like loads of fun, makes me wanna go downhill!! xx
ReplyDeleteCongrats Linda!
ReplyDeleteI am sure that in the end this will be a piece of cake :-)
I am very sad I will not go skiing this year anymore.... I love this sport from the bottom of my heart for the last 20years...
ojoj jag är impad! jag har åkt sen jag var liten, men jag känner att jag blir räddare och räddare för varje år och hade nog inte klarat att börja som nybörjare nu!
ReplyDeleteFantastic Linda! I was always scared when going downhill so now I only go on flat ground ;-)
ReplyDeleteBra Linda!!
ReplyDeleteSkidor är kul, fast jag ska INTE prova i backar, haha. Det räcker så bra med de som finns i skogen här hemma.
Nu blir du väl kvar i switzerland ännu längre..
kram på dig, mamsen
Katja: Thanks so much!! After having recently read about your skiing dreams, I am not surprised this makes you wanna go =)) x
ReplyDeleteAnna: Thanks a lot for your comment =)) I am really hoping for that piece of cake... Maybe after 20 years? ;) I feel so sorry for you!! Hope you are feeling ok under the circumstances!! Are you around this week or are you on sick leave? x
Frida: Ah tack! Vad glad jag blir! ...av att nagon kan bli impad av mitt lilla skidexperiment!! Usch, ja laskigt var det! Vagade aldrig riktigt slappa efter nar det var brant. Kande mig valdigt dodlig! x
Lydia: Thanks a million! I will give downhill some more goes as I really really loved the challenge in the end....but if I'm still scared after 5 times or so, I might stick to cross-country myself ;) x
Mamma: Haha! Tack mamma!! Trodde aldrig att jag skulle kunna testa utforsakning med min rygg... Langd ar ju mysigare =)) Utfor mer adrenalin ;) Skidakningen har ingen inverkan pa mitt boende an sa lange. Saknar dig!! Kram
thanks for saying hello at our little internet space! :) happy 2011.
ReplyDelete@Katja, you are right, she did it much better than she thinks ;-).
ReplyDeleteChris: Haha! Thanks..... I did have an EXCELLENT teacher....but I'm not sure he's being entirely objective ;)
ReplyDeleteLOVE this blog Linda!! <3
ReplyDeleteLady-G: Aaaaaww! ...and now I think I love you for making my day! Thank you! <3