Jul 18, 2010

Take a leap!!

“We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”
George Bernard Shaw

I want to build a little bit on a feeling I had on Friday. A feeling that was long forgotten or at least hidden deep down inside of me....

For reasons I can't fully understand or explain, age has made me fear things that used to seem like everyday adventures in the past. I'm not talking about BIG, obviously harmful things - but rather small, easy things where fear can't be explained by pure logic.
I could probably argue that age has made me "smarter", at least that's how my reasoning works, realizing that certain things actually do come with danger.....statistics and experience teaches us to stay out of trouble and to avoid situations in which we can so easily get hurt, whether it's about breaking your arm or breaking your heart, or simply the fear of being rejected or disappointed.

On Friday, somebody reminded me of the importance to sometimes take a leap! To go against my illogical inner fears and just do it.... To jump off a bridge, into the Rhein.
When I was younger, I used to do things like this all the time, head first, without doubting thoughts or fears disturbing my decisiveness and determination. Now, at the age of 31, it took me 15 minutes of increasingly heavy nervous breathing, shaking hands and legs of spaghetti well over "al dente" before I finally just jumped.
Simple. Harmless. Achievable.

At the age of 31, I felt old! (if you are around 20, you'll agree that I am, if you are my age, you'll probably know what I'm talking about and if you are less young than me, let me just remind you that I know I'm not o l d , but you've been here too ;)).....

I will still have days of feeling old, rightly or wrongly, I'm sure! ....but this situation made me take a leap, literally, and it made me feel like I was invincible, adventurous and young and most of all - it made me feel alive!! Now this is more important that a number in state records, on a piece of paper or in a passport and I assure you, it's more effective than any beauty treatment I've ever been to!!
Why spend thousands of Dollar's, Euro's or other currencies on fixing the superficial signs of age - when all you should really need to feel good about yourself is erase or reduce the signs of age in your mind to stay alive in your heart and soul? It costs nothing but perhaps some time on creative thinking and it comes without recovery time ;)

It's so easy to forget that we are really our own worst enemies and these are the battles worthy of our energy.

Thanks Chris for encouraging me to take a leap!!! You were right

Linda - Alive in Switzerland....encouraging you to take a leap!


  1. This is beautiful Linda!!

  2. This was so beautiful to read! I'm glad you took the pluge. :-)

  3. Feeling alive...great feeling :). I am happy you took the leap

  4. Lydia/Maddie: Wow! Thanks you guys.... Makes me so happy to read those warming comments!! xox

    Chris: Indeed.....and it was really all thanks to you ♥ Am really happy I did it too!

  5. Hihihi, du kan ju tänka dig hur jag kände mig efter en vecka av skateboardakande och stutsmattehoppande!!! ;-)


  6. Emma: Oh wow! Ja verkligen!! =)) Ar du tillbaks i SH nu? Kram

  7. thanks for the comment...I'm very happy to be blogging again...how have you been? :)


  8. Leonore: Really great to have you back! I'm really great, thanks....what about you?

  9. Oh you're welcome, be sure to tell me how you like them when you make them!

  10. Beautifully written! I also want to take a leap now.


I read and treasure all your comments..... Thank you for taking the time! x