....for my silence! I have felt so completely and utterly stressed, exhausted and uninspired.
I am really hoping this will change soon!
Ever since I came back from New York my life has been so filled with work, studying, fixing practical issues and just trying to get back on track that there has been no room in my mind for anything but exactly that.
Having that said, the good things coming up are more in terms of quantity than the bad things right now, which is good!
I have one of my best friends coming to Switzerland on Friday and I am SOOOOOO EXCITED to
get to spend some quality time with her!!!
As it is my birthday on Sunday (no no I'm really NOT fishing for congratulations;)) - I decided to invite some friends over for drinks and then we will do what I'd like to call "The Schaffhausen classic"....so going to Guterhof for some drinks and mingel and then heading on to Cuba club, where the mingeling gets more tricky due to the high noise-level, but at this point on your drinking-curve, that suddenly doesn't seem to matter much!
On top of this, I hope to also cover some real gossiping with my friend, shopping, a day at a SPA, eating "Semlor" and making (and of course eating) Cupcakes!!
The weekend is juuuuuuust around the corner, just gotta hold on for 2 more days ;)
Linda - Extremely busy, in need of a time-out and lost in Switzerland...
We all have those times. Hope it gets better soon! Happy birthday!
Ta hand om dig så du inte stressar för mycket! Passar på att önska dig en underbar helg och födelsedag. Grattis!! Kram!
ReplyDeleteThanks Wendy!! I'm sure it will.... xox
ReplyDeleteEmma! Tack!! ...och det ska jag gora ;) Langtar till helgen sa jag haller pa att spricka!! Har nu ocksa bokat brunch pa sondag formiddag och Alice in Wonderland i 3D pa kvallen sa man kan saga att jag ar NOJD! Hihi! Hoppas allt ar bra med dig!! Kram