
Sep 11, 2011

Mountain Biking: A beginners tale

If you have been following this blog, you will know that a few months ago, I bought myself a Mountain bike. Am I an experienced Mountain biker? Nooooo! You see, before I came to Switzerland I barely even knew this existed as a sport. You see, I come from the middle of Sweden where we barely even have mountains and then, riding a bike is simply something that takes you from point A to B.....and mostly only used as a back-up if for some reason, you can not take the car ;))

The reason I bought a bike was actually not a pleasant story in itself. I hurt my foot playing soccer and slowly realized that biking was the only sport that didn't hurt during the healing was that and quite some convincing from my Mountain-bike-adoring-boy(man)friend and I am SOOOOO happy I made this "investment". 

A few weeks ago, a friend and I also signed up for a beginners Mountain bike course and that was such great fun!! Before this course, I would have never imagined in a million years that I would ever ride down a set of stairs.....or ride down a steap hill.......or jump with the bike for that matter....but after this day, we both did. Ah...but just to clarify - I'm not talking about major stunt things or extremely cool tricks, just simple technique exercises that, from an unexperienced Mountain bikers point of view looks MUCH harder than they are.

If you're thinking about starting or if you recently started Mountain biking or just want to feel safer on your Mountain bike in general and if you live in (or around) Schaffhausen, I give my highest recommendations to take this course!! We used Mountainbike Schule. The teacher, Marco, was really great (the poor guy even had to study bike terminology in English, just because of me! Now THAT'S service!!) and the whole course (which was basically a full day with a lunch break in between) was really a lot of fun, easy-going and very very useful!! We also got some needed help with the general configuration of our bikes, which was also great.

Here are some photos from our day! Yeah yeah, some of you may laugh, but remember that everyone was a beginner once ;))



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