Don't you just love Saturdays?? I really do and especially the ones when you know you only have good plans.... Soon off to the gym, but thought it's about time I give a little update! So here goes.....
Currently, I'm
Happy about: Almost everything!! Isn't it amazing how life sometimes turns around when you least expect it?
Disappointed about: Not finding marshmallow fluff in the stores here.....but what did I expect? Really?
Thinking about: ...entering a Cupcake contest, but let's see.
Listening to: Kate Havneviks "Nowhere warm" & Ingrid Michaelson's "Parachute" on repeat! Oh, and if anyone is wondering, Parachute is really Ingrid Michaelson's song - not Cheryl Coles ;))
Hoping: That I can find time in my agenda to book some weekends in Sweden soon!
Laughing about: Our crayfish party last weekend, that became a shrimp party as IKEA food shop were out of stock of crayfish.
Regretting: That I suggested we'd play "The ring of fire" during that shrimp party ;)
Looking forward to: Dinner tonight with Chris's dad and sister. Just hope the food will turn out like we planned... Also really looking forward to a lazy Sunday without plans!
Feeling: Ridiculously happy and powerful in the sense that I know who I am and what I have achieved so far and I feel that I can really stand for it....
Inspired by: Emma, who just passed her exam! Also by Xiao and Theresa at work and their tenacious studying habits! I should really get on with it!!
Wishing: That more people in the world would be happy and could manage to sometimes celebrate their successes instead of only thinking about what they did not achieve.... Life simply doesn't always turn out the way you planned but that's also the charm of it all! I truly believe that happiness is a mindset!
Wanting: ...these babies: to come and live with me - ASAP!
Since I've had such a great flow of questions to my Formspring "Anonymous question box", I thought that from now on, until the questions run out, I will also share 3 of those Q&A's with you in each of my post. Here I go:
Q: If you could go back in time 10 years and tell your younger self something, what would it be?
A: Two things:
1. 10 years from now, you'll be ridiculously happy!
Q: What message would you want to put in a fortune cookie?
A: Love yourself, you will never be anyone else.
Q: Did you donate to the charity mentioned in you latest blog post??
A: Yes.....twice actually and that is probably not the last time.
Wishing you all a lovely weekend!!